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Apple iPod nano 8 GB Green (4th Generation)

Apple iPod nano 8 GB Green (4th Generation)
From Apple Computer

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
First, I gotta say I love the colors. And Apple has added some very nice touches to the interface. But in the end, my 4G Nano went back to the store for two reasons:

1. Without an ability to disable Cover Flow, anytime my 4G Nano slid sideways, Cover Flow kicked in. This was fine except for those times when it was in my pocket or on the car seat and I was trying to change the volume. In Cover Flow, you can't change the volume, so I had to remove the Nano/pick it up off the car seat, hold it upright, wait a second for Cover Flow to turn off and then I could change the volume. Kind of a deal-breaker for me at the moment.

2. The click wheel is decidedly less sensitive than earlier versions. There is noticeable lag and I would sometimes run my finger 1.4 of the way around the wheel before it picked up the gesture. it would the either start to move or would jump around (presumably making up for the gesture I had already made). It definitely was not instant response.

It's really too bad too. I liked the purple and white since it went with my school (TCU) and a 16Gb option was great. I'm crossing my fingers that a future firmware update will address these two concerns. When that happens, I'll gladly buy a 4G Nano.

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